Plastic cellars are an ideal storage space for storing tools or equipment, or fruit and vegetables. Some might even utilize it right under the foundations of the house as an additional storage space or even a peaceful workroom. There are even those that find in the cellar a wartime bunker for themselves and relatives, in case a war broke out or some other danger came about. Plastic cellar offer several advantages compared to brick-and-mortar cellars, but among the most significant ones is hydro-isolation, pricing and the biggest one is the speed of setup from zero to full availability.
We, as a company, have a long-standing experience in manufacturing products from plastic, we produce underground plastic cellars (a subterranean storage area, both circular and rectangular in shape). On our webpage you’ll find a list of typical dimensions for the cellars we can manufacture for you, even in many colour variations, so that you’ll like them the most and will be able to pride yourself on having acquired them in front of your neighbours. In case none ofthe typical dimensions happens to meet your needs, we’ll be glad to manufacture a cellar made-to-measure especially for you.
To wrap up, having your own personal cellar has never been easier!!!